About deal with personal information (Privacy policy)
1. Business description
Korenori Unyu Souko Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Korenori") will use the acquired personal information (including information entrusted to you) only within the necessary scope of the business in order to carry out the company's business purposes.2. Purpose for using personal information
Korenori shall implement appropriate information security measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, leakage, loss or damage of personal information.In addition, we will grasp the risks associated with personal information that occur in Japan and overseas, and take corrective measures as necessary.
3. Entrusting personal information
We may entrust your personal information when entrusting our business to our group companies, freight carriers, and other subcontractors to carry out our business.When entrusting personal information to an outside party, Korenori and the subcontractor will enter into an agreement with the company regarding the confidentiality of personal information and conduct appropriate supervision of the subcontractor.